In Salento, the “turtle miracle”

August was a special month on the Salento beaches. Hundreds of small sea turtles have reached the sea under the eyes of the technicians of the Natural History Museum of Salento, and this year, also...

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Blue Land meets Tricase stakeholders

MARE Outpost, peripheral headquarters of CIHEAM Bari, in the Port Museum of Tricase, hosted on Monday, June 3, 2019, the meeting between stakeholders and local actors to share the development objectives...

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An educational webinar on Webpport

Once again, it was the “future generations” of the Mediterranean who animated the virtual docks of the digital port Webport. On Wednesday, April 17, an educational seminar was held, dedicated...

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In the Port of Tricase, the story goes on!

“Port of Tricase tales” is a series of cultural events organized by the Magna Grecia Mare Association and the Medialibrary of the Sea to present the history of the port and increase awareness...

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WEBPORT is the digital port of the Mediterranean. It is designed and edited by CIHEAM Bari. It started in 2014 with the support of the Italian Agency for Cooperation to Development.

The pages of Albania and Montenegro were created and implemented as part of the CO.CO.TOUR project funded by the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy - Albania - Montenegro program.


  • CIHEAM Tricase | Avamposto MARE Lungom. Cristoforo Colombo | 73039 Tricase Porto (LE)

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