“Sea Turtle Exhibition” in Tyre

On the occasion of the “World Turtle Day“, on Thursday 23 May 2019, the exhibition dedicated to sea turtles, created as part of the NEMO project – Mediterranean Coastal Communities”,...

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The boats of Tyre return to the sea

After several weeks of bad weather the fishermen go back to the sea bringing home abundant catches. The artisanal fishermen of Tiro use small wooden boats to carry out their activities. Over 300 families...

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A giant turtle on Tyre beach

A giant sea turtle was made in Tyre using plastic waste collected on the beach. The realization of the work was the final event of the beach cleaning campaign, organized by the Municipality of Tyre,...

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The last boat-builders in Tyre

The city of Tiro, due to its particular geographic conformation, surrounded on three sides by the Mediterranean, appears as a peninsula and owes much of its history to the sea. In fact, since ancient...

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artigianato in libano

The great craft tradition in Lebanon

Lebanon has a long tradition of craftsmanship in various sectors: blown glass, refined ceramics, magnificent jewels, fabrics delicately embroidered with gold and silver threads. Lebanon is certainly...

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Surrounding Nets libano

Surrounding Nets in Lebanon

The use of surrounding nets in Lebanon is permitted from April to December. In this type of fishing are used 3 boats: a main boat with nets and winches; an auxiliary boat to net the fish and a small...

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Isola di Abdel Wahab

Abdel Wahab Island

Tripoli, is surrounded by numerous islands. The nearest, Abdel Wahab Island, has an area of 8,000 square meters and can be reached via a bridge that connects the port to the island. The island has had...

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gastronomia in libano

The gastronomy in Lebanon

As in many Mediterranean areas, the Lebanese gastronomic tradition has been influenced by numerous contacts with other cultures over the centuries. Although it is a territory of reduced extension, Lebanon,...

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WEBPORT is the digital port of the Mediterranean. It is designed and edited by CIHEAM Bari. It started in 2014 with the support of the Italian Agency for Cooperation to Development.

The pages of Albania and Montenegro were created and implemented as part of the CO.CO.TOUR project funded by the INTERREG IPA CBC Italy - Albania - Montenegro program.


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